15 - Keywords
The following keyword have a meaning at in some specific SDL-RT symbols listed below:
Table 3: Keywords in symbols keywords concerned symbols PRIO TO_NAME TO_ID TO_ENV VIA FOREVER NO_WAIT >, <, >=, <=, !=, == true, false, else USE
16 - Syntax
All SDL-RT names must be a combination of alphabetical characters, numerical characters, and underscores. No other symbols are allowed.
17 - Naming convention
Since some SDL-RT concepts can be reached through their names (processes, semaphores) each name in the system must be unique. This will make the design more legible and ease the support of SDL-RT in a tool.
It is suggested to use the following convention for names:
- block names should start with 'b',
- process names should start with 'p',
- timer names should start with 't',
- semaphore names should start with 's',
- global variables should start with 'g'.
18 - Lexical rules
A subset of the BNF (Backus-Naur Form) is used in these pages :
<traditional English expression> as it says...
[<stuff>] stuff is optional
{<stuff>}+ stuff is present at least one or more times
{<stuff>}* stuff is present 0 or more times
19 - Glossary
http://www.sdl-rt.org info@sdl-rt.org |